Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Egg-citing news!

I'm very egg-cited to tell you that our chicken eggs 
have arrived!  

 41 hatching eggs arrived in the mail from Gabbard Farms.  They have a great website with lots of information.  Check them out here
We have three different varieties of chickens, Blue ameraucanas, black copper marans and barnevelders. These eggs are in the incubator and should hatch around May 22nd.

Leading up to the arrival of our eggs, we learned a little about eggs and what's on the inside.

We learned how strong egg shells really were.  One class had 20 large textbooks stacked on top of 4 eggs and they still didn't even crack!

Are you as strong as an egg?

We also discussed how to take care of the chicks once they hatched.  Some of the things that the kids were curious about were...

"How do we get the chicks to go to sleep at night?"
"What do they eat?"
"How do we get them to exercise?"
"Where are they going to live?"

We pretended to be birds in a nest, and learned what other animals, besides birds, come from eggs as well.

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