Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

On this Thanksgiving holiday, I find myself thankful for my family, my friends, and my health.  I am also incredibly thankful for my job, coworkers and the wonderful children I get to experience Nature with each and every day.

Last week, we learned all about turkeys!  Here are some amazing turkey facts for your Thanksgiving dinner.
- Turkeys can fly as high as 80 feet in the air, and as fast as 50 miles per hour.
- Turkeys have no feathers on their heads.
- The color of a turkey's head changes as it's mood changes.  A calm turkey will have a white head, while an excited or agitated turkey's head will be shades of blue and red.
- A male turkey is called a Tom, and a female turkey is a Hen.  Their babies are called poults.

Together, we made a turkey for the Nature classroom.  Each child created a feather to place on the turkey with something they were thankful for.  

 Here are a few things that the children were thankful for:

  • falcons
  • flowers
  • sunshine
  • Mom
  • nuts and watermelon
  • snow
  • dogs
  • turkeys

  •  cats
  • feathers
  • bald eagles
  • coyotes
  • the sun
  • birds
  • the world
  • Dad
  • trees

  • bears
  • bunnies and birds
  • snakes
  • God
  • Christmas
  • bugs
  • What are you thankful for?

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