Thursday, October 24, 2013

Nature Room Animals

In addition to all of the fun things we do in class, we also have two animals that live in the Nature Room.  The children love to feed these animals and ask lots of questions.  
Meet our animals below!
 Magnus, the sunfish, lives in a tank filled with rocks and a few snails.  He eats insects and worms in the wild and is fed meal worms by the children.
Below is George, our Madagascar Hissing Cockroach.  He can usually be found hiding underneath a banana peel or the mulch in his cage.  George is a nocturnal animal and sleeps most of the day, but comes out to see what is going on when the room is filled with noise.
 George is a herbivore.  His favorite food is banana peels, but he also enjoys bits of apple. 

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