Friday, October 30, 2015


We had our annual CCDS Scarecrow Contest this week!  You may have seen all of the creative scarecrows around the school.  If you missed them, here they are!

 Burro Class - Most Creative

Llama Class - Most Realistic

Billy Goat Class - Furriest Scarecrow

Chick Class - Best Use of Leaves
Duck Class - Lumpiest Scarecrow

Bunny Class - Cutest Scarecrow

Pony class - Scariest Scarecrow

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fall Decorating

You may have noticed all of our Fall decorations around the school.  Did you know that they were all done with the help of the kids?  They are amazing helpers!  
 We pulled wagons filled with pumpkins and gourds, rolled hay bales into place, put mums around the school and helped clear out old plants.  Check out the pictures below!

Some classes also helped to create a hay bale maze.

And...added two special guests to try the maze as well!


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Do you see what I see?

Throughout the month of September, we used tools to help us explore the outdoor world a little more closely.  

With the use of magnifying lenses, the children found a whole other world under their feet.

Binoculars helped us find things that were very far away.  We found airplanes, bald eagles, flocks of migrating pelicans, and friends playing very far away.

What kinds of things do you see in your backyard?