Thursday, September 26, 2013


Our second week of school was filled with more exploration, 
this time using magnifying hand lenses.


First, we practiced with pine cones.

Then, we went on a discovery walk with our magnifying lenses to see what we could find.

We found flowers,


 and lots of yummy treats from the garden.

 Some friends went on a micro-hike, using yarn 
to help guide their little eyes.

 Even the llamas wanted to join in on the fun!

 Looking forward to next week and more beautiful weather!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Welcome back!

It's great to be back!  We started the school year with 
beautiful weather, lots of smiles and a need to explore!
 We started the school year discussing "what is nature".

The students found items that they thought might 
be part of nature.

 We found cicadas, rocks, sticks, leaves, pine cones, feathers, and crab apples.
We then recorded what we found...

We also explored lots of different areas around the school...

 The Butterfly Garden

 The Pony Pasture

The Woods

 The Duck Pond

 The Ducks!

The Llamas!

See you next week!